Salvage Exchange for sellers

Free, but valuable: tips and tricks for sellers
Have you advertised a vehicle and would like to see the currently highest bid shortly before the end of bidding?
Just log onto EASYonline and click on your advertised vehicle. The currently highest bid will be displayed next to the photograph.
Would you like only bids from your region?
No problem. Just request the regional bid sheet. (In EASYonline, VALUEonline, or simply call us).
Do you need proof of the advertising costs for your vehicle?
Contact us and we will clear you straight away.
I have forgotten something regarding the vehicle. How can I change that?
Please cancel the vehicle, modify the data and resend. There will be no additional charges.
Do you need the right tools?
No problem, we have a good tip for you. Order your equipment here: www.steffens.de.